Reckless Neglect

Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Attorneys in Ontario

Improper care and negligence are common in nursing home and long-term care facilities. When facilities have financial difficulties, they often hire undertrained staff or people who lack the care and compassion necessary when dealing with the particular needs of elderly residents.

Poor maintenance, mismanagement, and other factors can contribute to undesirable conditions, which may lead to abuse and neglect of the residents they are responsible for and to which they owe a duty of care. Many nursing home injuries are the result of reckless neglect and it is possible to take legal actions against the responsible parties.

Nursing home abuse and neglect frequently go unreported. Take the first step to protecting your loved one by calling McCune Law Group today!

What is Reckless Neglect?

Responsible individuals owe a duty of care to not cause injury or harm to others. If there is knowledge of a possible danger or hazard, there must be sufficient warning given to avoid accidents and injuries and deaths. Reckless negligence takes place in nursing homes and care facilities for many reasons. Elderly residents often cannot communicate abuse or neglect because they are intimidated, fear for their safety, or are simply unable to speak because of physical difficulties.

Indications of reckless negligence can include but are not limited to the following:

Individuals 65 and older in nursing homes deserve proper care and treatment and when that does not occur, the responsible individuals may be liable for damages to the victims.

Contact Us to Stop Reckless Neglect in Ontario Nursing Homes

For legal assistance with nursing home abuse and reckless neglect, contact McCune Law Group for advice on the proper steps to take on behalf of the victim. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable in the laws pertaining to personal injuries and the area of nursing home abuse and neglect.

Contact McCune Law Group today if you or a loved one was a victim of reckless neglect so that you can receive the compensation you are entitled to.

How We Can Help