McCune Wright Arevalo, LLP, Representing Plaintiff in Sexual Harassment Suit Against Riverside County Supervisor

Riverside county courthouse

Featured recently in The Press-Enterprise, Partner Joseph L. Richardson is representing Plaintiff Brenda Dennstedt against Riverside County Supervisor Jeffrey Hewitt, Chief of Staff Matthew “Boomer” Shannon, and Riverside County itself for their alleged roles in a sexual harassment and wrongful termination case. McCune Wright Arevalo, LLP, filed the complaint late February 2022.

Plaintiff Dennstedt Allegedly Brought on for Her Expertise

The county hired Dennstedt, who worked formerly in law enforcement, as a Legislative Assistant and Public Safety Liaison in 2019. She worked for the County of Riverside until October 2020. In this role, she reported to Chief of Staff Shannon and Supervisor Hewitt, advising them on ethical and legal matters. In fact, she was familiar with this role due to her previous experience. However, the complaint alleges Hewitt and Shannon brushed off her advice initially. Continuously, she raised concerns about allegedly unethical practices, the complaint alleges Hewitt and Shannon cut her out of duties. Essentially, the pair allegedly punished her for speaking out about illegal or unethical practices. To make matters worse, the Riverside County Supervisor and Chief of Staff allegedly built a culture of sexual harassment and hostility which made the workplace unbearable for Dennstedt.

Dennstedt Was Allegedly the Victim of Sexual Harassment at the Hands of Riverside County Supervisor and Chief of Staff

Also, Riverside County Supervisor Hewitt and Chief of Staff Shannon allegedly made inappropriate comments to Dennstedt relating to her relationships, body, and age. Finally, the complaint alleges Dennstedt’s indignance at a sexual conversation between Hewitt and Shannon allegedly led to her termination. After filing a sexual harassment and wrongful termination report with Riverside County regarding the Supervisor and Chief of Staff’s conduct, the county allegedly claimed an investigation found no wrongdoing.

McCune Wright Arevalo, LLP, Defends the Right to a Safe Workplace in Sexual Harassment Case Against Riverside County Supervisor

MWA is proud to represent Plaintiff and former law enforcement officer Dennstedt as she pursues justice for her alleged mistreatment. We aim to curtail hostility in every workplace, no matter the perpetrator. With 30 years of experience, our team seeks to attain justice for individuals who belong to protected classes.

If you believe you’ve been mistreated by an employer, contact us today or call (909) 345-8110 for your free consultation!

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