For young adolescents, vaping is represented in culture as a harmless activity, long-separated from the death-sentence image of smoking cigarettes. However, picking up an e-cigarette as a teenager quickly progresses into the use of the real thing, or a long-term vaping habit which presents its own uniquely hazardous effects.
Vaping is very popular among kids in middle school and high school. The popularity leads to teenagers being pressured by their peers to start using e-cigarettes. For many, vaping transitions into cigarette use, a cheaper and longer-lasting alternative.
Eventually, the kid who picked up an e-cigarette as middle schooler is entering young adulthood with a nicotine addiction. Whether they stuck to vaping or switched to traditional cigarettes, the smoker will have issues with respiratory function and will struggle with a habit they can’t break.
While the long-term effects of smoking cigarettes are well-known, vaping presents one-of-a-kind risks like seizures and cognitive deficiencies. In Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, there have been 22 cases of breathing issues associated with vaping, reported NBC News. Patients, including several teens, entered hospitals in the Midwest with respiratory symptoms that doctors initially diagnosed as pneumonia or similar infections. The condition of multiple patients worsened with treatment for respiratory illness, leading to the connection between their symptoms and vaping.
A Real-Life Example of the Effects of E-Cigarettes
The dangers of vaping are affecting the futures of children across the country. In the case of a young California resident, vaping as a middle school student impacted his ability to fully dedicate to his goal of joining the Coast Guard.
Faced by peer pressure, he started vaping in 7th grade. He and his friends would use disposable vapes purchased by his friends’ older brothers. The disposable vapes were inexpensive, but only lasted about a day. The impermanence of disposable vapes influenced him to switch to more-costly mechanical vapes, like JUUL, but transitioned to cigarettes because they are cheaper.
This individual has smoked cigarettes since 9th grade. He recognizes his nicotine addiction but is unable to quit. He is concerned about how smoking will affect his ability to get a job.
If your family has a similar story, contact McCune Wright Arevalo, LLP. Our attorneys are representing those affected by the negligence of JUUL and other e-cigarette manufacturers that target young people and contribute to their struggles with nicotine addiction.
To schedule a free consultation with our legal team, send us a message or call (909) 345-8110.